Friday, April 17, 2009

My two favorite "Camillas"

While at BYU, my roommates and I nicknamed one of our roommates "Camilla."  Her real name is Carolyn Cannon, but she was such an amazingly good person that we started calling her Camilla because that was the name of the current LDS prophet's wife, Camilla Kimball.  We actually called her that more than we called her by her real name.  Since then, I have always associated that name with woman who are just extraordinarily good (almost perfect), and that are an important part of my life.  Only a very few women have earned that title in my eyes, but I got to spend some time with two of them this month. 

One is the original Camilla, Carolyn Cannon, who once again displayed her amazing "Camillaness" by taking time to have Courtnee and I come to her house and teach us how to digitally scrapbook. We had a fun visit and Cafe Rio lunch and then she helped us learn an entire program so that we could prepare Courtnee's Sterling Scholar portfolio.  Besides that what makes her a "Camilla?"  She is raising 4 incredible daughters, has served in YW multiple times, has supported her husband through 2 or 3 deployments to Afghanistan and numerous training trips in the National Guard, she runs marathons and gives and gives and gives.  She is also a few years ahead of me in marriage and mothering so she has always been an amazing source of experience and advice.  More than all that, though, she loves the Lord and you can see it in her face and in her eyes.  She has an aura of "Camillaness!"  I should mention that I've known her since I was 12 years-old and I have gone through school, Seminary Council, college dorms, engagement and lots of life with her and she has always been like that!

The other "Camilla" is Maria Whitworth, a friend in Grantsville that was in my ward when we first moved here and that has also been an amazing source of experience and advice.  She is my "young woman's guide" and was the young women's president when we first moved here and I was called to work with her as an advisor.  Since then I have spent about 5 1/2 years serving in the young women organization and I have turned to her so many times for advice.  She is also my daughters' dance teacher, my co-worker at "This is the Place Heritage Park," my partner at summer swimming lessons, and one of my BFFs!  I am a few years ahead of her in marriage and mothering so I get to give her all of Carolyn's advice, although Maria is much wiser than I am and I really learn more from her than she ever could from me.  She is a "Camilla" because she just "gets it."  She understands what is important in life and she lives it always.  She also loves the Lord and carries that "Camilla aura" with her.  Maria and I spent a day in Salt Lake at the General Young Women's Auxiliary Training.  It was a great day filled with lots of ideas and inspiration and a yummy lunch at the Lion House Pantry (yes, I LOVE to go out to lunch)!  The best part was getting to spend so much time talking with Maria on the drive there and out.

I am so grateful for the "Camillas" in my life.  They give me guidance, inspiration, hope, and confidence that I can actually do what I need to!  I'll never reach their level, but I can spend my life basking in their glow and I will be a satisfied and happy woman.

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